Sunday, July 10, 2011

If Life Were Easy...Part 2

Dave and I have generally been posting on this blog only once a week, but I felt today’s experience merited a follow-up to this week’s post. It was another somewhat “hard” day. I spent three hours trouble-shooting and fixing our car today…which was three hours too long according to what I had hoped to accomplish today. So, bedtime with the kids was later than usual. It was another struggle to get them to stay in bed. Myah threw up because she got the hiccups after she and Silas had played “sneak-out-of-bed-and-run-back-as-fast-as-you-can.” Which meant another load of laundry. By the end of it all, I felt like a horrible mom and still hadn’t packed a single box. It was 10:30 p.m.

After packing the Russian tea set in multiple layers of bubble wrap, I decided I could call it quits and thought I’d check my email really quickly before heading to bed. There were two messages from our Communitas accountant, giving an update on our financial support. I read the emails and then reread them and then sat down in the floor and cried. God just met me right there on the kitchen floor. We are at 14% of our monthly support! It blew me away. God is faithful and he will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24). He captures my weak and failing heart and reminds me that He is good and powerful and loving. I was overcome with thankfulness for our Christian brothers and sisters who are making sacrifices so that we can go where God is leading. It really is amazing. Hard. And beautiful.

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