Friday, June 10, 2011

I Just Want To Be Like You

Have you ever been around someone you wanted to be like? Someone you watched and you wanted to get to know and be more like? The more you watched them the more you grew confident that you wanted to be just like them and do what they did? It didn't matter if the people around you were doing it or not or even what they may think about you, you were willing to do what they did. The people you want to be like are usually set apart by a few distinct qualities: they are passionate, hard-working, and want others to get involved.

Why do I bring this up you may ask. Well, it has to do with the picture at the top. It is Silas at Bible School this week and he is sitting in the large group time that was led by some of the 6th graders. When he came home he was always so pumped about the songs he learned and the motions they taught him. He started the week by just watching with wide eyes, then Tuesday it was doing a few of the motions and songs at home, to Wednesday and Thursday he was up and doing the motions with the group. Then Friday he was debating about going up when they asked for volunteers. What a transformation of attitude that was all based on those who were on the stage. The 6th graders had worked hard for the last few months learning the songs and motions, they were passionate and excited about what they were doing, and they were constantly challenging those watching to get involved. Today ended with Silas saying, "I should have gone up on the stage, I won't have another chance cause VBS is over."

Here's the takeaway: I was challenged this week by my son to live for Christ passionately, to work hard at everything we do, and encourage others to get involved. It would be a shame to live out this new adventure and at some point find myself saying, "I wish I would have done more, but now its too late." When I live like this, I hope people will want to follow and imitate me. And if I am imitating Christ then they too will be imitating Christ and that is our one hope and prayer as we go on this adventure.

1 Cor. 11:1 - "And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ."

Eph. 5:1 - "Imitate God, Therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children."

Thanks Silas for continuing to teach me so much about life.

Happy Birthday Jen!!!

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